Chinatown Residents Push Back Against Homeless Megaplex
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Chinatown Fights Back
Thursday evening, organizers say more than 1000 people attended PROTEST against @kcexec‘s HOMELESS MEGAPLEX in nearby SODO. #CID residents say elected officials DID NOT consult THEM and STILL trying to RAM this through w/out any public input.
Put on Blast
#Seattle agencies+public officials who supported or looked the other way on this HOMELESS MEGAPLEX.
@kcexec@CMTammyMorales@JoeMcDermottWA@cmkshama@MayorofSeattle@Leo_J_Flor@marcformarc@KC_RHA@SeattleCouncil@KCCouncil Cantonese translation included.
Seizing Moment
Reps @KCGOP@bethsd showed up to support #Chinatown-ID residents. They say Asian American community is FASTEST growing minority voting bloc in USA and WA. I DID NOT see any Democratic party reps. If HOMELESS MEGAPLEX comes in, watch how many go #GOP#Republican.
Problematic for Dems
Political strategists know Asian American voting bloc is up for grabs. In the past many went along w/ Democrats. But times are changing, especially in places like San Francisco and Seattle where their interests are being threatened.
This Is Not a Nimby Issue
Multiple groups like CID Community Watch regularly feed homeless in #Chinatown-ID. They care, but say there are already TOO MANY shelters in and around their neighborhood. But some in #CID ask, “Where else are the homeless going to go?”
Will the Mayor Step in?
@kcexec is running point on HOMELESS MEGAPLEX. But many in #Chinatown-ID say it’s time for @MayorofSeattle to put a pause on this until there is public input period. At the very least try. POLITICS vs. RIGHT THING TO DO.
Why Do Dow’s Homeless Projects End This Way?
If you follow @kcexec‘s PLAYBOOK, the county quietly buys a property then converts it into homeless housing. Only few in community are told. But “outreach” always happens AFTER THE FACT and protests ERUPT.
What’s Next?
#Chinatown-ID protest organizers have NOW started conversations behind the scenes w/ decision makers. But until @kcexec‘s homeless MEGAPLEX is stopped, they say protests will continue. Next one tentatively scheduled for September 20 at #Seattle City Hall. Buckle up.