Fix Homelessness How to rebuild human lives


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Burien Mayor Calls Out King County Leaders for Homelessness and Drug Crisis

In a public show of force, Burien Mayor Kevin Schilling blasted King County Executive Dow Constantine and Sheriff Patty Cole-Tindall, accusing them of allowing the homeless drug crisis to get worse on his streets. Schilling also claims Cole-Tindall is refusing to return calls or meet in person. Read More ›
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Memorial Erected to Remind Burien Homeless of Fentanyl Overdose Death

Giant cross now up in front of a drug encampment in downtown Burien. Hector Ramos owns this portion of the lot and wants to remind these men and women about the fentanyl overdose death that happened here last month. Maybe some of these people will find faith to take another step out of this mess. Read More ›

Burien Seeking Police Chief Replacement as Downtown Deteriorates

It appears embattled Burien Police Chief Ted Boe is heading out the door. Boe has not officially been fired. But Thursday evening, City Manager Adolfo Bailon sent out an email saying they are looking for his replacement. Read More ›

Burien Strengthens Public Camping Ordinance

In a 5-2 vote Monday evening, the Burien City Council strengthened it’s public camping ordinance. Homeless now have to stay 500 ft away from libraries, schools, daycares, parks, and other “critical areas.” It goes into effect immediately. Mayor Kevin Schilling-Yes Deputy Mayor Stephanie Mora-Yes CM Jimmy Matta-Yes CM Alex Andrade-Yes CM Linda Akey-Yes CM Hugo Garcia-No CM Sarah Moore-No During Monday’s night’s Burien council meeting, I noticed several homeless guys making tons of noise in the bathroom. When I went inside, I saw a bowl of Cheerios and drug paraphernalia scattered across the sink area. Then I realized it was Austin, a young man I encountered last year. During Monday night’s Burien council meeting, a young homeless woman by the Read More ›


Controversial Homelessness Nonprofit Asks Burien for More Funding

Burien Leaders Stunned Late Monday evening, Mayor Kevin Schilling, Deputy Mayor Stephanie Mora, CM Linda Akey, and CM Alex Andrade saw the tent protest for the first time outside City Hall. Mora and Akey say former Burien City Councilmember Cydney Moore is using the homeless as political pawns after her failed venture trying to run the temporary encampment behind Oasis Home Church. She’s also being called out for orchestrating this stunt from the comfort of her living room. I have never seen someone’s reputation and credibility get smashed in such a short amount of time. Moore will likely never work again in this region’s homeless space. They’re Back After leaving during the day, the homeless have set up tents again Read More ›


Murderer Stayed at Low-Barrier Church Shelter, Leaders Knew of Allegations

Breaking Arrest finally made in Burien homeless homicide investigation. Authorities say Nathaniel Scott stabbed Robert Thomas multiple times under the 146th Street bridge in December and left him to die. Scott allegedly confessed, but said the knife was simply used as a deterrent after Thomas blocked his pathway. Both men were homeless at the time. Court documents show Scott was living at the controversial Oasis Home Church encampment. Burien Community Support Coalition led by former city councilmember Cydney Moore is still running daily operations at the camp. She has not responded to my requests for comment. Oasis Pastor Mark Miller says he has no comment at this time. I’m being told Moore and Miller knew about the allegations but still Read More ›