Licton Spring’s ‘Clement Place’ Shows Seattle is Falling Behind on Homeless Crisis
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Complaints Stacking Up
Homeowners near @DESCSeattle‘s Clement Place (“HOUSING FIRST” model) have documented numerous problems caused by SOME residents including fella in this video. Fights, drugs, attempted burglary. Neighbors claim DESC building managers ignoring them.
Imagine Living Next to This
Homeowners say NOT everyone living at @DESCSeattle Clement Place is a MENACE to neighborhood. But there are some well known characters like this woman who goes on shouting sprees at all hours. I have reached out to DESC but still no response.
Rough Year for Neighbors
This past summer, I also reported extensively on MASSIVE homeless encampment out of control in front of @DESCSeattle Clement Place. At the time, neighbors weren’t sure if the homeless or DESC residents were causing problems.
Failing to Sweep
At one point, the city was paralyzed by scope of this homeless encampment in front of @DESCSeattle Clement Place on N. 96th St. Word got out and other homeless folks were moving in, assuming they could set up. It attracted tons of probs.
Finally Cleared
After months of neighbor complaints, the city eventually moved in.
Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands
After this ordeal, homeowners lost all faith in the city of #Seattle to prevent a homeless take over from happening again. They put in flower boxes and planted trees near sidewalks so no one could come in again.
Ongoing Issues
Sex trafficking on nearby N. Aurora Ave. remains a major concern for homeowners on N.96th St. They have to deal with @DESCSeattle Clement Place issues, along with prostitution. This homeowner says all kinds of people come to her door.
Domestic Disputes
These issues were also a regular occurrence related to this homeless encampment. At one point, even some of the residents of @DESCSeattle Clement Place were complaining about the camp, saying the issues were threatening their interests.
No Doubt
Since encampment is no longer on N.96th St., homeowners say they have tracked and documented recent issues to some residents living at @DESCSeattle Clement Place. Read description of what this place is about.
Just Google It
Numerous articles from few years back about @DESCSeattle Clement Place complaints. But homeowners now say probs never went away. Trying to figure out if neighbors have any recourse once these “HOUSING FIRST” models start to impact area.