Open Air Drug Den Thriving on Seattle’s 3rd and Pike

Drug Use and Stolen Goods Damage Downtown Seattle Core

Seattle Shoppers Navigate Drug Epidemic on Sidewalks

Drug Crisis on Seattle Sidewalks During Holiday Festivity
Weekend Wreck I thought maybe leading up to Christmas, downtown Seattle would be sparkling and shining with perfection. At the very least, no massive crowds of drug users congregating at 3rd Ave & Pike St. Well, I was DEAD WRONG. Even with brighter overhead lights added to the Ross store and more Seattle Police (@SeattlePD) officers on patrol, the madness is still everywhere. The alleys and side streets are filled with people hunched over from using fentanyl. Tons of drug addicts have moved to West Lake station. They’re also feeling emboldened to use Olga Sagan’s (@OlgaSaganWA) Piroshsky Piroshky Bakery (@PiroshkyBakery) as an open air drug den. This is all part of District 7 Councilmember Andrew Lewis’ (@CMAndrewJLewis) legacy. Incoming CM Read More ›

3rd and Pike Bus Stop Removed Due to Drug Use
Join the Club King County Metro (@KingCountyMetro) just removed another problematic bus shelter in downtown Seattle. This time at the corner of 3rd Ave & Pike St in front of the Ross store. Drug addicts were using it as an open air fentanyl den. Otherwise, no more cover from the elements. It’s a bummer for senior citizens who have to wait in the scorching sun or pouring rain. Unclear if it’s a temporary move. Otherwise, this stretch of downtown looked good Tuesday compared to other days. Multiple law enforcement officers up and down the block. But dudes were still passing out on the street. Just another routine day in #Seattle. Councilmember Andrew Lewis (@cmandrewjlewis) should be out here every single Read More ›

Drug Market Comes Roaring Back After Seattle Pride Parade
It’s a Zoo The Seattle Pride Parade (@OurSeattlePride) shine has already worn off in downtown #Seattle. The drug market has come roaring back on 3rd Ave & Pike St. Tuesday evening, it was good to see volunteers with Union Gospel Mission (@SeattlesUGM) right in the thick of things, trying to help the homeless and addicts out here. Why isn’t the King County Regional Homelessness Authority (@KingCoRHA) deploying more workers out here? I wonder if Councilmember Andrew Lewis (@cmandrewjlewis) regrets his NO vote on the drug bill that would have given City Attorney Ann Davison(@_ann_davison) the power to prosecute this type of open air drug use and bring back some accountability to the city. Major League Baseball All-Star Game (@mlb) is Read More ›

Drug Dens Empty During Seattle Pride Parade
Fentanyl Free…Sort of On Sunday afternoon, the Seattle Pride Parade (@OurSeattlePride) flowed through downtown #Seattle and brought in a ton of people. There was also a heavy police (@SeattlePD) presence at many street corners along the parade route. For the first time in nearly a year, I saw the potential of 3rd and Pike St, free and clear of drugs and the black market of stolen goods. In reality, a few addicts were still lingering around the Ross Store vestibules and bus stops. But the insane hoards of people congregating in the drug dens were gone this past weekend. Will it remain this way at least until Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game (@mlb) in less than two weeks? Highly unlikely. Read More ›

Tourists, Workers Downtown Check That People are Still Alive on Seattle’s Sidewalks
Saturday Stroll It remains a tale of two cities in downtown #Seattle. The fentanyl addicts are still doing their thing near hot spots like 3rd Ave and Pike St. It’s just a foil party everywhere and people are literally passed out in the middle of the sidewalk. People were a little bit more aggressive than usual towards me today. But the rest of downtown is packed with tourists and looking spectacular. So much upside to this city. No doubt preparations for the Seattle Pride Parade (@OurSeattlePride) on Sunday are helping. But if elected officials can get the drug crisis under control, this is a preview of good things to come. I just hope co-existing with the open air drug use Read More ›

“Until the politicians feel it in their pocketbook, nothing’s ever gonna change”
Hot Spots Remain Hot #Seattle‘s City Hall Park has re-opened. Amazon workers are back a few days in the office. Tourists are passing through the city. But even with the on going efforts to reactivate downtown, the fentanyl crisis is still raging out of control. The ecosystem of open-air drug use remains centered at the corner of 3rd Ave and Pike St, especially around the Ross store (@ross_stores.) Every vestibule is packed with addicts and dealers. It’s also spilling into the side streets and alleys. If you go back and look at all my coverage since April, nothing has changed out here. Major League Baseball All Star Weekend (@mlb) is about two weeks away. Will all this illegal activity be Read More ›