Fix Homelessness How to rebuild human lives

Andrea Suarez

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The Devastating Impacts of Homeless Encampments on Greenbelts

Some precious greenbelts in Washington State remain compromised by homeless encampments and drug paraphernalia. We Heart Seattle’s Andrea Suarez and I stumbled upon a dumping ground packed with tents and trash next to Seattle’s Elliott Bay Marina. Where are the environmental activists?

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Freedom From Fentanyl Walk Displays Bipartisanship to Address Addiction Crisis

U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Raul Garcia and his team of volunteers walked more than a hundred miles across Washington State to bring much needed attention to the fentanyl crisis. This bipartisan group of recovery advocates are also spotlighting mental illness and say they will champion these issues until it leads to real change. I caught up with them on Sunday for the final leg of the journey into Seattle. Read More ›
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Billy Baldwin Witnesses Seattle’s Homelessness Crisis

Discovery Institute is going Hollywood! Our Senior Fellow Dr. Robert Marbut teamed up with film producer Robert Craig and actor Billy Baldwin to make "Americans With No Address," one of the most important documentaries highlighting the nation's homeless crisis. We Heart Seattle's Andrea Suarez is also a key voice in the movie. Some of the cast members recently took a tour of Seattle. Read More ›
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The Homeless Are Cooking Rats

The homeless are cooking rats in the East Duwamish Greenbelt. This is by far one of the nastiest discoveries I have ever made at a Seattle encampment. The area is also packed with tents, trash, needles, and all kinds of debris. Read More ›

Hidden Encampment Network in Seattle’s Forests

Sounding the Alarm This week I took a deep dive into the vast network of encampments scattered throughout heavily wooded areas in Seattle public parks (@SeattleParks.) Many are built on steep hills and embankments, making them extremely vulnerable to mudslides and other risk factors. While most remain abandoned, some are still occupied by people. For months now, Andrea Suarez (@weheartfounder) and We Heart Seattle (@weheartseattle) volunteers have been identifying the most at risk camps, including ones in Queen Anne’s Kinnear Park. Suarez says she’s asked Councilmember Andrew Lewis (@CMAndrewJLewis) and Seattle Parks Superintendent AP Diaz (@SeattleShines) to remove these structures immediately. But she says city officials are ignoring this potential liability. That’s why Suarez is racing to get these men Read More ›


Regret and Apologies

Last week, hundreds of senior citizens from the Chinatown-International District (C-ID) marched into SODO.  Protesting Dow Constantine’s homeless megaplex, they’re worried about the public safety impact on the C-ID, which is just a block away.   During the rally, a homeless couple stopped to give the marchers a piece of their mind. “Go back to your country,” they yelled, leaving the elders stunned by the racist remarks.   “Well, they can go back to their country too,” said community advocate Matt Chan, who didn’t appreciate the verbal attack.  Andrea Suarez with the homeless outreach group We Heart Seattle recognized the couple in the video.  “I was like, no! I’ve known them for over a year. We provided outreach to them initially on Western Avenue,” she said.  She Read More ›


The Hidden Crisis in the Woods: Part 2

It’s tee time at Jackson Park golf course, part of Seattle’s vast network of public spaces. But go beyond the greens and onto nearby trails leading into the deep woods. It looks far worse than any bad shot into the rough.  “I had a friend show me up here,” says Champ, who’s homeless.   Surrounded by the cover of lush trees and an abundance space, Champ says he’s lived alone in peace at this encampment for almost three years. However, he says that’s now changing.  “Usually when somebody gets kicked out they go somewhere else — where they’re going they’re going to raise hell in that area cause they’re pissed,” says Champ.  He believes the city and state’s recent crackdown on Read More ›