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Economic Impact

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Drugs, Crime Pushed Into Chinatown

Tipping Point Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell is losing Chinatown-ID. Numerous business owners say Harrell has prioritized the downtown shopping core over this predominantly Asian American neighborhood. Despite warnings from community advocates, most of the open-air drug use, crime, and chaos from 3rd Ave & Pike St has been allowed to move into Little Saigon. Numerous CID biz owners are planning to leave the neighborhood by the end of the year or possibly file a class action lawsuit against the city.

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50 Seattle Business Owners ask Mayor to Respond to Crime

Crime is down in Seattle? Try telling that to these SMALL biz owners who just went off on Mayor Bruce Harrell. Read the horror stories on this thread that are barely being reported by local media. How do entrepreneurs make a living in this city? A lot of these small biz owners are dealing with repeat offenders and drug addicts. Everyone is now acknowledging the downtown shopping core has fewer hoards of drug addicts and crime due to intentional enforcement of laws. But when will the rest of the city like Chinatown-ID get attention? Bottom line, you get what you vote for.

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Dunn Lumber Hit by Theft Ring Targeting Seattle Businesses

Retail theft is a story all too familiar for business owners in Seattle.  At Dunn Lumber’s Lake Union and Greenlake locations, surveillance videos show break in after break in. “They’re coming over the fences, just walking in and out,” says General Manager Nick Winnem. Winnem tells me it’s “very difficult to run a retail operation” in Seattle thanks to brazen criminals ransacking stores like Dunn Lumber. Most of the thefts happen in the middle of the night, but Winnem says they occur during retail hours too. He tells me that power tools always go first and are easy to flip on the black market.  “This is something you see even at box stores,” he says when I ask if the problem Read More ›

Video Still by Jonathan Choe, © Discovery Institute

News’ Last Stand in Downtown Seattle’s “Economic Warzone”

There are two downtown Seattles. One that sparkles and shines for the Christmas holiday season, packed with shoppers and tourists in what appears to be a safe and inviting atmosphere. Then there’s the other. The lights are off and many store fronts remain shuttered along Third Avenue and Pike Street. Read More ›

Business Owners Facing Drug Epidemic on Their Own

Peters believes the on going break ins and theft in his neighborhood are being fueled by desperate drugs users, who sell stolen items to get their next fix. It's taking a human toll. Read More ›
grocery cart green
Empty green supermarket shopping cart with abstract blur grocery store aisle defocused background
Photo licensed via Adobe Stock

Stores Implement Counter-Shoplifting Measures

@QFCGrocery locations in #Seattle’s Capitol Hill, sick of being targeted by criminals. The company now taking matters into own hands, resorting to locks on ice cream fridges. Read More ›