Fix Homelessness How to rebuild human lives

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Screenshot 2024-12-18 at 3.04.33 PM

Drugs, Crime Pushed Into Chinatown

Tipping Point Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell is losing Chinatown-ID. Numerous business owners say Harrell has prioritized the downtown shopping core over this predominantly Asian American neighborhood. Despite warnings from community advocates, most of the open-air drug use, crime, and chaos from 3rd Ave & Pike St has been allowed to move into Little Saigon. Numerous CID biz owners are planning to leave the neighborhood by the end of the year or possibly file a class action lawsuit against the city.


Burien Neighbors Speak Out Against Low Barrier Shelter

Explosive Meeting Despite intense opposition from neighbors, it appears Highline United Methodist Church will proceed with it’s homeless day shelter in Burien. Tuesday evening, Pastor Jenny Partch held one final public meeting to answer questions. The vast majority of people in the room were concerned about public safety and more drug addicts coming into their community from places like Seattle. However, Pastor Partch downplayed the potential risks and believes this will be a vital resource for people living on the streets. That did not sit well with neighbors and biz owners nearby. In fact the pastor got called out for living in Des Moines, several miles away from any potential problems overflowing from her day shelter in Burien. Deputy Mayor Read More ›

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Drug Crisis on Seattle Sidewalks During Holiday Festivity

Weekend Wreck I thought maybe leading up to Christmas, downtown Seattle would be sparkling and shining with perfection. At the very least, no massive crowds of drug users congregating at 3rd Ave & Pike St. Well, I was DEAD WRONG. Even with brighter overhead lights added to the Ross store and more Seattle Police (@SeattlePD) officers on patrol, the madness is still everywhere. The alleys and side streets are filled with people hunched over from using fentanyl. Tons of drug addicts have moved to West Lake station. They’re also feeling emboldened to use Olga Sagan’s (@OlgaSaganWA) Piroshsky Piroshky Bakery (@PiroshkyBakery) as an open air drug den. This is all part of District 7 Councilmember Andrew Lewis’ (@CMAndrewJLewis) legacy. Incoming CM Read More ›