Fix Homelessness How to rebuild human lives

small business

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Chinatown Small Business Owner Impacted by Open Air Drug Use

Sad State of Affairs Sad state of affairs in Seattle’s Little Saigon. Puzzi Salon owner Zazl Wu is trying to open his business next month at the corner of 12th Ave & Jackson St. But he’s constantly fending off drug addicts who disrespect the neighborhood. Wu says he’s planning to sue the city.

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Burien Small Business Closes Due to Homelessness Crisis

Downtown Burien business Iris & Peony is exiting the city because of the unending homeless drug crisis playing out on the streets everyday. Owner Robyn Desimone says she can no longer make a living being a daily victim of vandalism and other crimes. Read More ›
little saigon business

“I have to ask them to leave”, Businesses in Little Saigon Fight to Survive Drug Scene

Weekends are the worst at 12th and Jackson in Little Saigon. Open air drug use and a black market of stolen goods are thriving. The emphasis patrols by #Seattle PD and King County Sheriffs are just a temporary fix. The insanity moves to streets and parking lots, and then it comes right back. Business owners in this area are forced to confront this mess as they fight to survive. Dozens of businesses have already left the #CID because of on going crime. Meanwhile, the King St. homeless encampment just added several new tents on @WSDOT property. @cmkshama and @CMTammyMorales remain MIA. This is arguably one of the most dangerous parts of the city, right in the heart of Asian American Read More ›

police treat addict

Police Save Lives in Seattle’s Fentanyl Crisis

They’re Heroes @SeattleFire and @SeattlePD saved man’s life earlier today in #Seattle as he overdosed on #fentanyl. When will lawmakers realize this is a drug addiction crisis? You can’t build your way out of this! @GovInslee @MayorofSeattle @kcexec @SeattleCouncil @CMAndrewJLewis Changing Narrative We see it on 3rd Ave and Little Saigon daily. City leaders must now admit it’s an addiction crisis. Every encampment is littered with drug paraphernalia. Out of record 310 homeless deaths last year, majority were #fentanyl related. #Seattle Actual Breakdown of Homeless Deaths Seattle 2022 -70% fentanyl related. -18 homeless people died by homicide. -35 homeless people died from natural causes. -10 homeless people died from hypothermia or exposure. -7 homeless people died from suicide. Stunning Read More ›

Video Still by Jonathan Choe, © Discovery Institute

News’ Last Stand in Downtown Seattle’s “Economic Warzone”

There are two downtown Seattles. One that sparkles and shines for the Christmas holiday season, packed with shoppers and tourists in what appears to be a safe and inviting atmosphere. Then there’s the other. The lights are off and many store fronts remain shuttered along Third Avenue and Pike Street. Read More ›