Seattle Steps in to Clear Inferno Encampment, Hundreds of City-Supplied Needles Litter the Ground
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Thursday morning, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell (@MayorofSeattle) finally ordered crews to clear the notorious I-5 homeless encampment in downtown #Seattle. Even though it’s on Washington State Dept. of Transportation (@wsdot) property, the Mayor “deemed it an emergency,” so he was able to take control of this situation. I have been reporting for months now that the Mayor has always had this option. WSDOT’s problems have just become too much of a burden. The Mayor is clearly taking matters into his own hands.
Otherwise, the investigation continues into this inferno, fueled by a DRUG TURF WAR involving homemade BOMBS. Witnesses say it was a REVENGE HIT JOB. Once again, this is not a housing crisis. A criminal enterprise was being allowed to flourish. Some of these encampments are being used as drug dens in Seattle’s FENTANYL trade. Still no arrests related to this case. I’m working on another update launching later today. BTW, no sign of FAR-LEFT activist groups like Stop The Sweeps Seattle. Even these folks couldn’t justify all the illicit activity being blamed on this insane encampment.
How We Got Here
More background and the police narrative on this mess. #Seattle