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“Stop your blackface for the white agenda,” says Entrepreneur to Sawant at Council Meeting

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Sawant Blasted

Before Tuesday evening’s Seattle council drug vote, self proclaimed socialist councilmember Kshama Sawant (@cmkshama) went on her usual cop hating, blame the billionaires, class warfare monologue. But after she evoked her version of the black experience in America to further her agenda, local entrepreneur Michael Asai (@ECCG206) had enough. He got up and blasted Sawant saying, “Stop doing your blackface for the white agenda.” Asai went on to say, “Vote for this bill and clean up this damn city.” Asai is simply saying what everyone is thinking. The FAR-LEFT/ Commie/Marxists in Seattle are majority white and do not care at all about the interests of the black community or minorities. And Asai is tired of being used for someone else’s dangerous ideology. Btw, I went back to the council video feed on Seattle Channel (@SeattleChannel,) but this interaction with Sawant was edited out. How come? Once again, this is why we need more journalists to attend council meetings to show what is really happening on the ground.

Sawant in Full

Listen to Sawant’s entire monologue from Tuesday’s council meeting. She goes off on everyone. At least she is an equal opportunity hater, targeting both Democrats and Republicans. Sawant’s always been consistent.

On the Run

After Tuesday’s Seattle City Council meeting, I tried to catch up with CM Kshama Sawant (@cmkshama) and CM Tammy Morales (@CMTammyMorales, @TammyMoralesSEA.) I wanted to know why they cast NO votes on the drug bill even after all the revisions. But as usual, they bailed without answering any questions. CM Teresa Mosqueda (@CMTMosqueda) was the other NO vote on this bill. But she did this from her living room via ZOOM, so I couldn’t go after her. I did get a chance to quickly chat with CM Lisa Herbold (@Lisa_Herbold.) She took a lot of heat and criticism from the FAR-LEFT activists in the room for voting YES. But credit to Herbold for going against the whack jobs and voting with her conscience. This drug bill could change the trajectory of the city and save drug addicts on the streets. At least that’s the hope if it gets implemented and enforced the right way.

Jonathan Choe

Journalist and Senior Fellow, Center on Wealth and Poverty
Jonathan Choe is a journalist and Senior Fellow with Discovery Institute's Center on Wealth and Poverty, covering homelessness issues for its Fix Homelessness initiative. Prior to joining Discovery, Choe spent several years as one of the lead reporters at KOMO-TV, consistently the top rated television station in Seattle. His in depth stories on crime and deep dive investigations into the homeless crisis led to measurable results in the community, including changes in public policy. Choe has more than two decades of experience in television news behind the scenes and in front of the camera for ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, and Tribune. He has also been nominated and honored with multiple industry awards including an Emmy. Choe spent several years teaching classes on emerging media and entrepreneurship to under privileged youth in inner city Chicago. As an independent journalist, Choe also contributes regularly to the Mill Creek View and Lynnwood Times and has reported on exclusive stories in the past year for Daily Wire and The Postmillennial.