pile of old shoes clothes
Pile of old clothes and shoes dumped on the grass as junk and garbage, littering and polluting the environment
Pile of old clothes and shoes dumped on the grass as junk and garbage, littering and polluting the environment
Fix Homelessness How to rebuild human lives

“Housing First” Five Year Plan will Cost King County Billions

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Street Report

Five Year Plan

Today, @KC_RHA released strategy to “Dramatically Reduce Unsheltered Homelessness.” Agency says there will be “measurable, accountable success.” But it’s based on failed “HOUSING FIRST” policy. No requirements for drug addiction and mental health treatment. #Seattle

Costs Nearly 12 Billion Bucks

@KCCReaganDunn blasting @KC_RHA 5 year plan essentially saying the agency is focused on funding the wrong things. Says it will be a failure and black hole for tax payers. #Seattle#KingCounty#Bellevue#Kirkland#Redmond#FederalWay#Kent#Renton

Mark Dones’s Baby

Here is the Executive Summary. Click image below. #Seattle#KingCounty

Quite A Read

I’m still digesting @KC_RHA and Marc Dones’ game plan. Notice the agency is careful not to say this will end homelessness. Ultimately, what does success or failure look like after 5 years? #Seattle#KingCounty

Five Year Plan Survey

Chime in if you want and let @KC_RHA and Marc Dones know what you think.#Seattle#KingCounty Survey:


The Alternative

A new report from Discovery Institute, says Congress and Executive Branch need to focus more on untreated mental illness and substance abuse to reduce homelessness, drug overdoses, jail overcrowding, and misuse of emergency rooms.

Discovery Institute Report

No strings attached housing is not a long term solution for the homeless crisis. #Seattle#KingCounty Read entire report here:

Drug Crisis Fueling Homelessness

@NorthAmRecovers is powerful coalition founded in #Seattle. Group’s focus: Prevention, Intervention, Treatment, and Recovery.






Jonathan Choe

Journalist and Senior Fellow, Center on Wealth and Poverty
Jonathan Choe is a journalist and Senior Fellow with Discovery Institute's Center on Wealth and Poverty, covering homelessness issues for its Fix Homelessness initiative. Prior to joining Discovery, Choe spent several years as one of the lead reporters at KOMO-TV, consistently the top rated television station in Seattle. His in depth stories on crime and deep dive investigations into the homeless crisis led to measurable results in the community, including changes in public policy. Choe has more than two decades of experience in television news behind the scenes and in front of the camera for ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, and Tribune. He has also been nominated and honored with multiple industry awards including an Emmy. Choe spent several years teaching classes on emerging media and entrepreneurship to under privileged youth in inner city Chicago. As an independent journalist, Choe also contributes regularly to the Mill Creek View and Lynnwood Times and has reported on exclusive stories in the past year for Daily Wire and The Postmillennial.