Homeless Man Says He Won’t Go into Supportive Housing for Fear of Overdosing Alone
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“Housing First” is an utter failure and must be scrapped. The latest data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development proves it.
Even the drug addicts say this not an affordable housing issue. In fact some people are now afraid to go into low barrier “permanent support housing” situations because they know drug use and overdose deaths are rampant behind closed doors. They don’t want to die alone in these inhumane conditions.
“Housing First” and “harm reduction” policies are fueling this crisis. When will King County and Seattle leaders start course correcting?
Liberal Media is Turning
This cartoon in the Seattle Times sums up “Housing First” and how it’s been fueling the crisis on the streets. Even liberal media is now turning on leaders in King County and Seattle.
Last Year’s Investigation into Plymouth Housing
I spent a year investigating some of Seattle’s “low barrier” homeless housing providers and the lack of accountability is stunning. Plymouth Housing and DESC run facilities have some of the most complaints. Yet politicians keep doubling down on this model.