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Housing Featured Images (1)

The YIMBY Movement Faces Challenges on Both Sides of the Aisle

“Yes In My Backyard” — if the phrase has yet to enter your lexicon, the YIMBY movement is a growing cultural and political response to its predecessor, NIMBY (“Not In My Backyard”), which conjured images of wealthy property owners in manicured neighborhoods railing against property development nearby that would change the “feel” of the area. Whether or not that image is fair and accurate, as the nation faces a shortage of nearly 4 million homes, a pro-housing response is understandably on the rise. And while the YIMBY movement has garnered impressive traction on both sides of the political aisle — Harris and Trump have both vocalized pro-housing development sentiment — it is also not immune to criticism from both sides. Read More ›

Aerial view of american suburb at summertime.  Establishing shot of american neighborhood. Real estate, residential houses. Drone shot, from above
Licensed via Adobe Stock

Not In My Backyard: When Serving the Homeless Clashes with Neighbors

Five miles southwest of "Church Under the Bridge" is Sunrise Community, a church that's part of everyday trench warfare against homelessness. At 11 am on Wednesday, May 22, 60 people (mostly in T-shirts and worn jeans, and carrying plastic shopping bags) waited patiently in two quiet lines. One line was for lunch: Two volunteers sat at a table handing out cups of cold water and plates of pizza and sandwiches. The other line was for everything else, including picking up ID cards and bus passes. One window was for getting mail — for thousands, it's their only address. Read More ›
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Redmond: Emails Reveal Intentional Effort to Ram Through Controversial Housing Project

I've obtained a tranche of problematic email communications between Redmond Mayor Angela Birney, some councilmembers, and city staff. It shows an intentional effort to ram through the controversial Plymouth Housing apt complex at all costs and limit public input. Read More ›