The Drug and Homelessness Crisis in Spokane
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- Drug Epidemic
- Homelessness
- Street Report
A Tour Through Downtown
Spokane’s leaders are denying it’s out of control. Left-wing corporate media members in this city are too compromised or weak to show the truth.
That’s why Pete Serrano and I visited some of the worst parts of downtown this past weekend to see for ourselves.
This is not just an affordable housing crisis. This chaos is being fueled by drug addiction, mental illness, and broken relationships. The only ones benefitting are people working in the homeless industrial complex who want more taxpayer dollars to maintain their grift.
The current plan is not working.
Fentanyl Addiction
Making matters worse, Tranq fentanyl is all over the streets of Spokane.
Housing First Does Not Work
Then you have out-of-touch politicians pushing the same failed policies over and over again. “Housing First” has been around for more than a decade, and American homelessness keeps hitting recording highs.