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Public Camping Bans: Not a Cure-All, Not Cruel

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We’ve accepted the dangerous conditions of public camping as a fact of urban life. It’s time to change the status quo, and the Supreme Court’s homelessness ruling gives us the chance to do that. Camping bans are not a cure-all or a cruelty. Here’s why.

Caitlyn McKenney

Research Fellow, Center on Wealth and Poverty
Caitlyn (Axe) McKenney is a research fellow and program coordinator for Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth & Poverty. Her work has centered on government fiscal accountability, political rhetoric, and addiction with a focus on human dignity ethics. Caitlyn is a graduate of the University of Washington, has interned for a political advocacy organization in Washington, D.C., and has participated in the Vita Institute at the University of Notre Dame. She is published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, has contributed at the Federalist, and has made local and national media appearances.