Crisis in Downtown Seattle Shows no Sign of Stopping
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Mother’s Day Weekend Madness
The warm weather is bringing out even more open air drug use and dealers in downtown #Seattle and the #Chinatown-ID area. I’m seeing clusters of people passed out on the streets as locals remain desensitized and tourists literally just walk past the problem. The black market of stolen goods is hopping. People are jumping on and off the King County Metro (@KingCountyMetro) buses with tons of stolen merchandise. It comes and goes in waves. Without fail, evenings are the worst. Might as well call in the National Guard (@WANationalGuard) for a weekend stint. Can’t hurt right?
It’s now been about a month since Mayor Bruce Harrell (@MayorofSeattle) announced his Downtown Activation Plan and signed the Executive Order to address the massive fentanyl crisis. I’ve been out here four weekends in a row checking on the progress. Some highs, but more lows. In other words, nothing’s really changed. We need other media shining a light on this. I can’t be the only one out here. I gotta pass the baton and go on summer vacay at some point.
The insanity is happening in the districts of Councilmember Andrew Lewis (@CMAndrewJLewis), Tammy Morales (@CMTammyMorales) and Kshama Sawant (@cmkshama.) Why aren’t they out here walking the streets with their constituents? DM me if you want to come out to see this for yourself. This is an American tragedy unfolding before our eyes.
Hope in Little Saigon
So many drug addicts were out on every corner in #Chinatown-ID. But a local Vietnamese church was out there as well on this Mother’s Day weekend, trying to offer some encouragement to the addicts. It’s obvious, you can’t rely solely on government to handle this crisis.