Known Criminal Steals Youth Soccer Trailer, Threatens Owner

Stolen $150k Forklift Found in Duwamish Greenbelt Homeless Encampment
Hidden Seattle A few days ago, outreach group We Heart Seattle (@weheartseattle) found a stolen United Rentals (@UnitedRentals) forklift abandoned in a #Seattle homeless encampment along the East Duwamish Greenbelt. But there was much more. Walking further into the heavily wooded area, we discovered a constellation of tents and structures, even some set up under I-5 which is Washington State Department of Transportation (@WSDOT) property. We spoke to several people who say they are intentionally trying to live off the grid. This is a choice. Once again, this is not a housing issue. “Housing first” is not working. Yet this entire region is doubling down on this failed policy. There are people who do not want to pay rent, bills, Read More ›

Fox News: Theft Ring Targeting Local Businesses in Seattle
After Senior Fellow Jonathan Choe spoke with Dunn Lumber owner, Mike Dunn, about the impact of theft on his Seattle stores, Mike Dunn joined Fox News to share. Watch the clip on Fox News here. Watch Jonathan Choe’s exclusive coverage here.

Crisis in Downtown Seattle Shows no Sign of Stopping
Mother’s Day Weekend Madness The warm weather is bringing out even more open air drug use and dealers in downtown #Seattle and the #Chinatown-ID area. I’m seeing clusters of people passed out on the streets as locals remain desensitized and tourists literally just walk past the problem. The black market of stolen goods is hopping. People are jumping on and off the King County Metro (@KingCountyMetro) buses with tons of stolen merchandise. It comes and goes in waves. Without fail, evenings are the worst. Might as well call in the National Guard (@WANationalGuard) for a weekend stint. Can’t hurt right? It’s now been about a month since Mayor Bruce Harrell (@MayorofSeattle) announced his Downtown Activation Plan and signed the Executive Read More ›

Fuel Stolen Nightly from USPS Trucks by Homeless in Seattle
You can see, and smell, the gasoline staining the black top at Wallingford, Seattle’s United States Postal Service (USPS) station. But these aren’t your usual spills. John Pierce is a supervisor at the Wallingford station and says for the past few years, several homeless men have been siphoning gas from his delivery trucks in the parking lot. The men even go underneath the vehicles to cut fuel lines. “Every day’s a challenge,” says Pierce who tells me that the men “collect [gas] with a bucket” and siphon it out of their trucks with hoses. One of the postal service’s most prolific offenders comes by in broad daylight to steal fuel. The man has removed the license plates from his blue Ford Read More ›

Downtown Tents Used for Sale of Illicit Goods, Not Shelter
Housing First is Failing Seattle Times reporting @KC_RHA outreach workers downtown say many tents there are not used by homeless people as shelter to live and sleep, but for the sale of illicit goods. I’ve been reporting on this with VIDEO EVIDENCE for months.@mayorofseattle @CMAndrewJLewis @govinslee @kcexec “We can all see with our own eyes whether there are few people or not living on sidewalks and alleys and doorways. The complicating factor is that some of the disorder in downtown has been called “homelessness” but is not caused only by people without housing.” -John Scholes, CEO Downtown Seattle Association Whack a Mole I have never witnessed an encampment in #Seattle return this often. Tents along 3rd Ave near City Hall Read More ›

Latest Seattle School Facing Major Security Threats From Homeless Encampments, Drugs, and Illicit Activity

Inside the Mind of an Addict
I have encountered so many men and women along drug corridors in downtown #Seattle and Little Saigon who steal to fuel their fentanyl/”blues” habit. Tony says guys who “boost” share strategies. They know legal system is like Swiss cheese. It’s a Network There are theft rings for sure. But there’s another vicious cycle playing out on streets of #Seattle and Little Saigon. Men and women, especially homeless, admit “boosting” items from stores to sell for fraction of price.Any proceeds raised are used to buy drugs. Legos are Red Hot The “boosters” tell me popular LEGO sets like Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter sell immediately on the streets. Collectors come to Little Saigon to buy. It’s wild. Police know this as Read More ›