Black Markets and Drug Dens Take Over Seattle’s Chinatown
Worse Than Ever Despite progress being made to improve other parts of Seattle, Mayor Bruce Harrell’s (@MayorofSeattle) administration just can’t figure out the 12th Ave & Jackson St. disaster in Chinatown-ID. This is a FULL BLOWN take over by street thugs, drug addicts, dealers, and even Asian grandmas buying stolen goods in the black market. They also blast loud music at all hours of the day and the trash situation is out of control. Go there right now and see for yourself. In the three and a half years covering this crime corner, I have reported on shootings, stabbings, fights, drug dealing, thefts, graffiti vandalism, small biz leaving, sales of stolen goods, etc. But I have also seen efforts to Read More ›

Homeless Man Tries to Get in My Car Near Lake City Encampment
Things Get Worse in Lake City Neighbors have been flooding my inbox saying another encampment is forming in Lake City Mini Park. Sunday evening, I went to check it out when some insane nut job chased me all the way to my car and attempted to get inside. This is by far one of the most dangerous encounters I’ve had in Seattle. The folks here seem more mean spirited and aggressive. Many people living here have refused offers of shelter and services from the city and continue to use fentanyl in the tents. This camp is also being blamed for a dramatic rise in vandalism and theft in the area. I recognized several men and women who simply moved here Read More ›

Seattle Dealers Sell Fentanyl Out of Walk up Window Downtown
In Case There Was Any Doubt It’s no longer a secret. Every reasonable Seattle resident should assume drug dealers are taking advantage of homeless encampments with these so called “trap tents” embedded across the city. We Heart Seattle’s (@weheartseattle) Andrea Suarez (@weheartfounder) just exposed another one at the corner of 6th Ave & Yesler Way in downtown Seattle. There is literally a walk up window where you can buy fentanyl pills for a buck. I have been watching this camp expand for more than two years but never got a look inside until now. This open air drug market is being brazenly operated on Washington State Department of Transportation (@WSDOT) property and is just a block away from the notorious Read More ›

Seattle City Attorney Introduces Legislation to Ban Drug Use in Public Spaces
Rapid Reaction #Seattle is joining a growing list of local jurisdictions in WA trying to come up with it’s own drug laws after the state legislature FAILED to fix the one expiring this summer. Thursday morning, #Seattle City Attorney Ann Davison (@_Ann_Davison_)introduced legislation that would ban open air drug use(meth, fentanyl, etc) in public places, making it a misdemeanor. Councilmembers Sara Nelson (@CMSaraNelson) and Alex Pedersen sponsored the bill. Right after the press conference, I went straight to one of the most notorious drug dens in the city(#Chinatown-ID) to get reaction. As you can imagine, it was not well received among the drug users and addicts. Lots of indifference. NO FEAR of police. But if the bill passes, it’s at Read More ›

Downtown Tents Used for Sale of Illicit Goods, Not Shelter
Housing First is Failing Seattle Times reporting @KC_RHA outreach workers downtown say many tents there are not used by homeless people as shelter to live and sleep, but for the sale of illicit goods. I’ve been reporting on this with VIDEO EVIDENCE for months.@mayorofseattle @CMAndrewJLewis @govinslee @kcexec “We can all see with our own eyes whether there are few people or not living on sidewalks and alleys and doorways. The complicating factor is that some of the disorder in downtown has been called “homelessness” but is not caused only by people without housing.” -John Scholes, CEO Downtown Seattle Association Whack a Mole I have never witnessed an encampment in #Seattle return this often. Tents along 3rd Ave near City Hall Read More ›

King County Refuses to Clear Encampment until Permanent Housing is Available

City of Seattle Files Lawsuit as Drug Crisis Spirals Out of Control
Drug Insanity Fueling Homeless Crisis Even w/more @SeattlePD patrols, drug deals/use happening DAILY. Especially in #Chinatown-ID. This past weekend, I saw it all go down in front of kids. System BROKEN. All Corners #Chinatown-ID is in vicious cycle. Addicts use abandoned storefronts and vestibules to do drugs. KIDS just walking by! @nwasianweekly did a tremendous piece on the biz EXODUS in the community because of all the drugs, homelessness, and crime. I’m doing a follow up. Must Read “This may be the worst year for Chinatown businesses since the pandemic.” Remember This? Just last month, right next to @wsdot encampment in #Chinatown-ID near Vuu’s Beauty School. Guy injecting a needle in front of kids. This is a FULL BLOWN drug Read More ›

Massive Drug Bust in King County
If There Was Ever Any Doubt Multiple people associated with Mexican cartels facing federal charges today after massive drug and firearms bust in Ballard, Bothell, and West Seattle. Authorities confirm RV’s were being used to traffic illegal drugs. Yup, RV’s. Sobering Statistics Every politician/public health official in #Seattle and this region needs to understand, whatever’s on books RIGHT NOW is not working. Drug cartels are winning and killing off an entire generation of Americans. PRIORITIZE WAR ON DRUGS. EDUCATION.INTERVENTION. Good Reminder Authorities say fentanyl users come from all walks of life and it’s so easy to get. But the homeless are especially vulnerable because the dealers drive to encampments, offering concierge service. Why I’m Focused On Drugs I’m starting to Read More ›