Fix Homelessness How to rebuild human lives

Ginny Burton

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New Documentary Reveals Why “Housing First” Is a Failed Policy

The following press release for the new documentary “Behind Closed Doors” is from ChangeWA. ChangeWA and Ginny Burton are friends of Discovery Institute. Our work on homelessness is featured in “Behind Closed Doors” in an interview with our program coordinator Caitlyn McKenney. ChangeWA has teamed with filmmaker V Ginny Burton to produce “Behind Closed Doors,” a shocking 30-minute documentary which exposes the unsafe and drug-filled conditions within King County’s low-barrier housing and provides strong evidence that these are not conditions where formerly homeless individuals “can get their lives back,” as King County Executive Dow Constantine has repeatedly promised. Burton’s interviews with residents and workers from several of King County’s housing projects reveal that most residents continue to use illegal drugs, Read More ›

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Freedom From Fentanyl Walk Displays Bipartisanship to Address Addiction Crisis

U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Raul Garcia and his team of volunteers walked more than a hundred miles across Washington State to bring much needed attention to the fentanyl crisis. This bipartisan group of recovery advocates are also spotlighting mental illness and say they will champion these issues until it leads to real change. I caught up with them on Sunday for the final leg of the journey into Seattle. Read More ›
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Recovery Advocate Ginny Burton Walks Across WA for “Freedom from Fentanyl”

Washington State candidate for U.S. Senate, Dr. Raul Garcia, is walking from central Washington to Seattle this week to raise awareness about the devastating toll of fentanyl. The walk began on Tuesday, July 16 and will end July 21. Ginny Burton — recovery advocate, former addict, and friend of Discovery Institute — joined Dr. Garcia on July 17. Read More ›