Neighbors Speak in Georgetown, Sturgus Park
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Earlier today, @SeattleSPU@SeattleParks simultaneously cleared a problematic Georgetown RV encampment and tents along Sturgus Park in Beacon Hill. These clearings are going gangbusters. But neighbors, biz owners, and homeless have on going concerns.
@seattledot crews also enforcing 72 hour parking rule. RV’s and vehicles parked in same spot were towed or moved. City outreach workers also on scene to offer services and shelter.
Sturgus Park
While a team of @SeattleParks crews were helping remove an RV encampment in Georgetown today, this crew at Sturgus Park was also working on clearing tents and trash. Once again, conflicting view points on how to deal with Seattle’s homeless crisis.
Off the Beaten Path
Wow, check out this abandoned structure near Sturgus Park in Beacon Hill. Once again, do not underestimate the challenges and dangers @SeattleParks crews face during these encampment clearings. Wild.
Saw this styrofoam head with @MayorofSeattle’s name on it at a homeless encampment in Sturgus Park. Unclear who left it there. But the mutual aid/ “Stop The Sweeps Seattle” folks were on scene. They are not fans of the Mayor.