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Georgetown RV Lot

Despite Sweeps, RVs Set Up in Seattle’s Georgetown District

Exclusive They’re back! RV’s set up again near 7th Ave S. & S. Fidalgo St in GEORGETOWN after sweep. I’ve obtained surveillance video showing guy removing “ECO-blocks.” Neighbors+biz owners pleading with @seattledot and @MayorofSeattle to enforce. Right Now Entire street was cleared by @seattledot@SeattleSPU@MayorofSeattle a few months ago. I was there when crews moved in. I also saw aftermath when biz owners quietly moved in “ECO-blocks.” Technically illegal to use. This is now a FULL BLOWN street war. The Dude Biz owners say guy with the hat and orange shirt chained up “ECO-blocks” and dragged several to the side of the road so RV’s could move back and park.@seattledot says anyone bringing in these blocks are illegal. What about moving Read More ›

Sturgus Neighbor Jimmy

Neighbors Speak in Georgetown, Sturgus Park

@SeattleSPU@SeattleParks simultaneously clearing a problematic Georgetown RV encampment and tents along Sturgus Park in Beacon Hill. Read More ›