Judge Tosses King County’s Lawsuit Against Burien
Breaking An absolutely devastating blow to King County Executive Dow Constantine and Sheriff Patti-Cole Tindall. A judge tossed their lawsuit against the city of Burien that questioned the constitutionality of the city’s public camping ordinance. Right after today’s decision, Mayor Kevin Schilling spoke to me about the implications. Burien’s Suit Against King County Remains Now that King County has been ordered to enforce the camping ban, it’s still unclear when officers will start sweeping encampments. Making matters worse for King County, Burien is still suing for breach of contract and that’s winding its way through the courts. STATEMENT FROM CITY: Legal Challenge to Ordinance 832 Dismissed – City of Burien (burienwa.gov) Constantine’s Policies Must Be Scrutinized After this massive loss, Read More ›