Seattle City Council Passes New Ordinances Combatting Prostitution and Open-Air Drug Use
Lining Up One of the longest lines I have ever seen to enter Seattle Council Chambers. Neighbors and biz owners who support the SODA/SOAP bills are here to support laws that could help curb open air drug use and prostitution by creating “no-go zones.” But most of the people here are the usual far-left activists opposed to the legislation. Ground Rules Seattle Council President Sara Nelson just laid down expectations after far-left activists disrupted last week’s Public Safety Committee meeting. Some idiots also chanted “Cathy Moore is a wh*re,” totally disrespecting the lead councilmember behind the SOAP bill. Bingo is Back! Bingo the “disabled survival sex worker” is back and is still opposed to the SODA/SOAP bills. Now What? With Read More ›