Fix Homelessness How to rebuild human lives

Blog | Page 31

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Drug Crisis on Seattle Sidewalks During Holiday Festivity

Weekend Wreck I thought maybe leading up to Christmas, downtown Seattle would be sparkling and shining with perfection. At the very least, no massive crowds of drug users congregating at 3rd Ave & Pike St. Well, I was DEAD WRONG. Even with brighter overhead lights added to the Ross store and more Seattle Police (@SeattlePD) officers on patrol, the madness is still everywhere. The alleys and side streets are filled with people hunched over from using fentanyl. Tons of drug addicts have moved to West Lake station. They’re also feeling emboldened to use Olga Sagan’s (@OlgaSaganWA) Piroshsky Piroshky Bakery (@PiroshkyBakery) as an open air drug den. This is all part of District 7 Councilmember Andrew Lewis’ (@CMAndrewJLewis) legacy. Incoming CM Read More ›