Capitol Hill Encampment Fire Burns Trees Along I-5

Repeat Offender Burns Down Encampment, Released Without Charges
Caught on Camera It’s hard to tell, but neighbors say the man walking inside the Mercer St. encampment in South Lake Union is Paris Alcantera. In this surveillance video, you can see him watching the flames and pacing back and forth. He was arrested for setting a massive blaze on August 14. Alcantera admits he did it, but says he accidentally knocked over a candle inside a tent. Either way, he was released without charges being filed. Alcantera is a prolific repeat offender with a lengthy rap sheet dating back to 1998 with three felonies, 14 gross misdemeanors, three dozen prior arrests including rape in the third degree, and multiple substance charges. There’s concern he’s going to continue with this Read More ›

Encampment Burns Down Near North Seattle School
Breaking Huge encampment fire Sunday in Seattle near Robert Eagle Staff Middle School at the corner of N.90th & Nesbit Ave. Unclear how it started. It appears at least four tents got obliterated. But more than a dozen are still standing on the block. Neighbor shot this photo on the ground. I just spotlighted this problematic encampment a few days ago. It’s been growing here for months. Along with this latest incident, the encampment has been blamed for shootings, open air drug use, and harboring a sex offender. How many more incidents will it take before the city sweeps? City Warned So many neighbor complaints. This encampment remains a major liability. Homeless Encampment Fire More video and images coming in Read More ›

Encampment Returns at Site of Drug Den Inferno
They’re Already Back Late last month, Mayor Bruce Harrell (@MayorofSeattle) sent in crews to clear a massive drug den along I-5 in downtown Seattle. Authorities say a DRUG TURF WAR fueled by a revenge plot and homemade BOMBS rocked this notorious encampment. Less than two weeks later, several people have already broken in and are now setting up shop. When I showed up Sunday morning, the entrance to the fence along Yesler Way wasn’t even locked. Not sure who is running point for security on this WSDOT (@wsdot) property, but it might be time to invest in better locks and more fencing. Taking Matters into Own Hands On July 27, this encampment was “deemed an emergency,” so the city took Read More ›

Seattle Steps in to Clear Inferno Encampment, Hundreds of City-Supplied Needles Litter the Ground
Breaking Thursday morning, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell (@MayorofSeattle) finally ordered crews to clear the notorious I-5 homeless encampment in downtown #Seattle. Even though it’s on Washington State Dept. of Transportation (@wsdot) property, the Mayor “deemed it an emergency,” so he was able to take control of this situation. I have been reporting for months now that the Mayor has always had this option. WSDOT’s problems have just become too much of a burden. The Mayor is clearly taking matters into his own hands. Otherwise, the investigation continues into this inferno, fueled by a DRUG TURF WAR involving homemade BOMBS. Witnesses say it was a REVENGE HIT JOB. Once again, this is not a housing crisis. A criminal enterprise was being Read More ›

Propane Explosion Sets Seattle Homeless Encampment Ablaze
A fireball engulfed several trees and tents along I-5 in downtown Seattle on Friday morning inside a well-known homeless encampment. The property is a Washington State Department of Transportation right of way, and witnesses say they heard propane tanks exploding and saw “a bunch of black smoke.” Fire crews responded immediately to extinguish the flames. Authorities say one man suffered injuries from the fire and checked himself into Harborview Medical Center. “We need to get these people off the streets,” one witness tells me. A hospital spokesperson says the victim is notorious graffiti vandal Casey Cain, also known as EAGR. His tag was found on a sink left standing amid the wreckage. The 36-year-old was out on bail for vandalism Read More ›

Mayor Bruce Harrell Responds to Encampment Inferno
Officials Respond to Encampment Inferno Monday morning, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell (@MayorofSeattle) spoke publicly for the first time about the I-5 fire last week on a WSDOT (@wsdot) right of way in downtown. The Mayor would not go into details, but I could tell he was frustrated as he tries to maintain a positive working relationship with state agencies. The city continues to make progress with illegal camping, but the ones on WSDOT properties are being cleared at a much slower rate. As for this ARSON investigation, multiple sources say it was related to a DRUG TURF WAR. Two fellas were allegedly selling drugs out of tents and got into a beef. One guy retaliated by tossing an “accelerant,” causing Read More ›

Homeless Encampment Infernos Rage, Governor Inslee Refuses to Address Issue
Oh Boy WSDOT (@wsdot) and Gov. Jay Inslee (@GovInslee) are now dealing w/another out of control fire at a homeless encampment entrenched on a state right of way. There have already been multiple infernos at this downtown #Seattle location. @MayorofSeattle (video from Jeremy Harris) WSDOT Was Warned Look at this inferno back in March near the same spot. According state data, there are more than 2000 homeless encampments on state right of ways, many still in #Seattle. At what point does @MayorofSeattle step in. Questionnable Pace These encampment situations are out of control, even after millions of dollars poured into clearings and housing. That’s why I keep asking Governor Jay Inslee (@GovInslee) about the timelines for removals. But right now, Read More ›

Inferno at Olympia Encampment While Homeless Wait for Hotel
Encampment Needs to Close Wednesday’s fire took out multiple tents in the Hobby Lobby (@HobbyLobby) homeless encampment near Sleater-Kinney Road in #Olympia on @wsdot property. No reports of any serious injuries. I’ve been tracking this place for months and visited just a few days. Before this most recent fire, dozens of homeless people started moving in just in the past few weeks, hoping to get “tagged” and in line for one of the rooms at the former #Lacey Days Inn. It’s being converted into a homeless hotel for more than 100 people. But there were delays with this project after crews found meth in the walls. Either way, city and state leaders hope this is a solution to one of Read More ›