Greenwood Encampment Spiraling Out of Control
Getting Worse? There are so many unresolved homeless encampments in Seattle. But this one in Greenwood behind the Fred Meyer keeps getting worse. I counted close to 30 tents, including one with a door. Neighbors keep flooding my DM’s saying the city along with Councilmember Dan Strauss (@CMDanStrauss) are ignoring the problem. Same issues: open air drug use, more crime, yelling at all hours of the day, trash spilling out into the streets, etc. There’s also concern this place is being used as a CHOP SHOP. One guy told me he was sawing off the metal part of a brand new hose line to sell at a local scrap yard. Perfectly legal, as long as it’s not stolen. On a Read More ›

Seattle’s Addiction Crisis Comes to Greenwood
Absolute Tragedy Earlier, I walked through growing encampment near @LIHIhousing Cate Apartments in Greenwood. Saw 3 guys completely shredded on fentanyl/”blues.” This is PROOF POSITIVE an addiction crisis. Back in December Look how minor this situation was @LIHIhousing Cate Apartments just a few weeks ago. @CampSiteSeattle first to report on this. City had ample warning, but nothing was done and more campers are setting up. Hot Mess At least this spot across street from @LIHIhousing Cate Apartments got cleaned up and fenced off. For months, homeless took over former Georgia’s Greek Restaurant parking lot in Greenwood.

Greenwood Neighborhood Holds Public Safety Town Hall
Happening Tonight Major public safety Town Hall in #Seattle‘s Greenwood neighborhood at Taproot Theater, 6pm. Last week, kids were collecting signatures, to demand immediate ACTION from elected officials. Might be presented tonight. Huge Development Neighbors at the Janus Apartments say the “SQUATTER” is now officially out! Guarantee this evening, that issue will come up at the public safety meeting. Residents want to know how you prevent something like this from happening again? Shooting Suspect Still on the Run Unfortunately, authorities have not captured this man, wanted for shooting COURAGEOUS security guard hired to patrol the Janus because of the SQUATTER and associated issues. Good news, guard is recovering. Impossible to Ignore And the homeless crisis and tent encampments growing in Read More ›