Seattle Spends Hours Clearing Debris From Downtown Encampment
Visible Human Suffering on the Streets of Downtown Seattle
Man Arrested for Stealing Excavator Released and Back Chopping Trees
Homelessness and the Rushing Wind
Where Are They Now?
My answer to the headline question: I don’t know. But Memorial Day is only ten days away, so it seems an appropriate time to ask about those who may have been victors in their own war on homelessness — or maybe not. First, some backstory. One reason journalists get a reputation for caring more about publishing than people: We write lots of one-and-done articles. We search for human interest and specific detail. We start stories with a “face,” someone whose personal situation brings to ground-level observation what could otherwise be an abstract story. But then we forget about the person we asked readers to care about. I’ve been guilty of that, but sometimes I check back after a few years, Read More ›
Difficult Cases of Homelessness: Angel’s Story
Now What? Sweeps continue Monday morning in #Seattle. It’s the only way to keep these dangerous encampments from becoming a liability for neighborhoods like Fremont. Once again, We Heart Seattle (@weheartseattle) and Andrea Suarez (@weheartfounder) tackling some of the most difficult cases. But when severe mental illness and drug addiction are in play, even the most well intentioned outreach becomes an exercise in futility. Listen to “Angel’s” story. This is also why “housing first” will not work for people like her. She’s been given pretty much all the options from tiny houses to apartments. She’s burned all bridges. Every lawmaker about to craft homelessness policy must listen to this. What will be done about the most extreme cases? This has Read More ›
Man Discovered in Tent Days After Death, Family Thanks Outreach Worker Who Found Him
Horrifying Discovery For the past few months, I have been following We Heart Seattle (@weheartseattle) founder Andrea Suarez (@weheartfounder) and her volunteers across #Seattle as they clean up this city and try to save homeless men and women living on the streets. But this past week, I was out of pocket when Suarez discovered the decomposing body of a 54 year old man in a tent right next to @TMobilePark as the @Mariners were getting ready for the season opener. Sunday afternoon, I went back to finally see where this all happened. Suarez says this must be a wake up call for this entire city and a call to action. @GovInslee @kcexec @MayorofSeattle @seattlecouncil @KCCouncil @CMTammyMorales @CMSaraNelson @CMTMosqueda @D5Juarez @KC_RHA